Danger Line – Tribute to Avenged Sevenfold

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Exclusive booking: GAS
Not all projects come go light from an idea
We built this project over time: reharsal after rehersal, live show after live show, driven by our intense motivation... and this group of friends in just a few years arrived where we never thought possible; sometimes projects come to light from pure passion.
You can see the band's passion for the music of the Avenged Sevenfold in the energy, in the attention to detail, in the evolution of image, in the search for authentic sound, in the Amp settings, in the choice of the proper microphone, in the pursuit of the right props on stage, but above all in feeling at one with the audience an reliving unique emotions.
Unique emotions just like the ones carried by The Rev's vocals resonating in Critical Acclaim's chorus with us or when iconic images flow on video during the Sor far Away arpeggio. An engaging tribute that unites all the Community.
A setlist that retraces the past of the band but also looks at the new tracks, a wall of sound, acoustic athmospheres an guitar duos.
Something that you will remember, a musical project and not only an idea.
Five musicians, five friends, each one plays his own role, for the most emotional Avenged Sevenfold tribute existing in Italy.
Band members:
- Jake Pirisi – Lead-Vocals
- Marco Formisano – Lead Guitar
- Max Randazzo – Rhythm Guitar and backing vocals
- Alberto Cingolani – Bass and backing vocals
- Salvo Imbesi – Drums / Sequencer
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